Tried running Red Dead Redemption 2 direct play from DODI but getting following error: the program launcher.exe has encountered a serious problem. Please help
User talk:Snshahdin
hello. i know what you are doing wrong. cause i also did this same thing and fixed this after researching 5 hours. big thing short: you didn't installed patched dlc unloacker. go again in dodi. open the page of rdr2. now in the download section you will find "Patched DLC Unlocker" written in brown words. install it from torrents. extract the file. inside you will find a file named "launcher.exe" replace it with your main game launcher.exe. and then run the game(everytime from launcher.exe. not from RDR2.exe) from launcher.exe. you will then good to go:) if you need any help running this you can dm me in i will help you.
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