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From AppleGamingWiki, the wiki about gaming on M1 Apple silicon Macs

macOS Compatibility

Compatibility layer Rating Notes
CrossOver Perfect No glitches or artefacts, very smooth.[1]


Wine Perfect Very smooth.[4]
Parallels Perfect Playable.[5]

Parallels issues fixed

Flickering objects issue

View this video.untrimmed_dynamic_cbuffers=1 fix.

White/Missing Textures CrossOver

Users using CrossOver must turn on DX11 in Bottles settings.


  1. Verified by User:LikeSh4d0w on 22.08.2023
    Device: MacBook Pro 16 M1 Max 32 Core 32 GB RAM
    OS: macOS Monterey 12.6.7
    Method: CrossOver 23
    Resolution: 3456x2234
    Settings: Good
    Comment: Perfectly Playable, no glitches or artefacts, very smooth
  2. Verified by User:MrMacRight on 13-july-2021
    Device: MacBook Pro M1 2020 8 GB RAM 8 Core GPU
    Method: CrossOver 21
    Resolution: 900p
    Settings: Good
    Framerate: 30 FPS
  3. Verified by User:Fiercestasp4 on 26-March-2022
    Device: MacBook Air M1 2020 8 GB RAM 7 Core GPU
    OS: MacOS 12.3
    Method: CrossOver 21.2
    Resolution: 1680x1050
    Settings: Fastest
    Framerate: 30 FPS
    Comment: Turn on DX11 manually in order to get textures to load.
  4. Verified by User:janeklb on 18.12.2023
    Device: MacBook Pro 16 M1 Max 32 Core 32 GB RAM
    OS: macOS Sonoma 14.2
    Method: Wine + GPTK
    Resolution: 1728x1117
  5. Verified by User:BringBackTron on 2021-05-14
    Device: MacBook Pro M1 2020 8GB RAM
    OS: macOS 11.4 Beta 2
    Method: Windows ARM Build 21376 on Parallels 16
    Store: Steam
    Resolution: 1280x800
    Settings: Low
    Framerate: 45+ FPS, minor stuttering
    Comment: Requires "video.untrimmed_dynamic_cbuffers=1" fix