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LEGO The Lord of the Rings

From AppleGamingWiki, the wiki about gaming on M1 Apple silicon Macs

macOS Compatibility

Compatibility layer Rating Notes
Wine Playable Slight stuttering and audio bugs, cutscene movies are perfect. Enabled ESync and DXVK in Bottle Configuration. Winetricks: d3dx9_41 and xact_64x [1]
Parallels Perfect Runs on 1920x1080 low settings. [2]


  1. Verified by User:Colbshard on 2024-12-15
    Device: Mac Mini M2 8GB
    OS: MacOS 15.1.1
    Method: Whiskey 2.3.2
    Settings: High
    Framerate: 30-50fps
  2. Verified by User:Dennor on 2024-11-08
    Device: MacBook Air M1 16GB
    OS: MacOS 15.0
    Method: Parallels 17.1.7
    Settings: Low
    Framerate: 45-60fps