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From AppleGamingWiki, the wiki about gaming on M1 Apple silicon Macs

macOS Compatibility

Compatibility layer Rating Notes
CrossOver Perfect Use D3DMetal and Msync for optimal performance.
  • Tested with CrossOver + CXPatcher + Game Porting Toolkit 2.
  • Add **libcef.dll** to the Wine prefix:
 - Place `libcef.dll` into `C:\windows\system32` (or `SysWOW64` for 64-bit systems).
 - Set `libcef.dll` as **Native (Windows)** in the Libraries tab of Winecfg.
  • Add `UnrealCEFSubProcess.exe` to the overrides list in Winecfg and **disable** it, as it can cause too many errors due to Xbox Live not working properly.(Single player only)
Parallels Menu Menu runs perfectly, but the game crashes upon starting the game/loading the world.