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DCS World

From AppleGamingWiki, the wiki about gaming on M1 Apple silicon Macs

Digital Combat Simulator

DCS World
DCS World cover
Eagle Dynamics
Eagle Dynamics
Eagle Dynamics Game Engine
Release dates
October 17, 2008 (Initial release, RU)
December 10, 2008 (Initial release, EN)
March 7, 2009 (Initial release, GER)
April 2, 2009 (Initial release, NA)
3 May 2021 (Latest stable,
5 May 2021 (Latest open beta,

macOS CompatibilityLink

Compatibility layer Rating Notes
CrossOver Playable For Standalone DCS, use E-Sync. For Steam DCS, use M-Sync
   Download Crossover Preview > Create new bottle, Windows 10 64-bit
   Download Standalone DCS World
   Download The-Kitchen-Sink dependencies:
   Override winhttp.dll (native, builtin), wbemprox.dll (native) & msdmo.dll (native)
   Install d3dcompiler_47(32-bit) and d3dcompiler_47(64-bit)
   install corefonts
   Enable D3dmetal and E-sync and restart bottle.
   Run DCS Installer
   Place options.lua file in the CONFIG_DIR to skip the broken launcher: If the CONFIG_DIR does not exist, create the directory. i.e. "drive_c/users/$USERNAME/Saved Games/DCS/Config/options.lua"
   Next we need to override the input audio device load ( getVoiceChatDevices() ) .lua in /Users/username/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles/DCS/drive_c/Program Files/Eagle Dynamics/DCS World/MissionEditor/modules/Options/optionsDb.lua to always return an empty string as the mod_sound.getVoiceChatDevices(dev_type) now returns nil and causes an error to occur
   local function getVoiceChatDevices(dev_type)
         --local devices = mod_sound.getVoiceChatDevices(dev_type)       
           local result = {Name(_('Default')):Value("")}
       if devices then
           for k,v in ipairs(devices) do
       return result
   Please Note: If you repair the game, this file will revert to it's broken state and you'll need to fix it again.
   DCS should now open successfully.

Instructions for installing Steam DCS

   Download Crossover Preview > Install Steam Application into new Windows 10, 64-bit bottle
   Run Steam and install DCS World from Steam
   Once installed, close Steam and override winhttp.dll (native, builtin), wbemprox.dll (native) & msdmo.dll (native) in Wine Configuration.
   Install d3dcompiler_47(32-bit) and d3dcompiler_47(64-bit)
   Place options.lua file in the CONFIG_DIR to skip the broken launcher: If the CONFIG_DIR does not exist, create the directory. i.e. "drive_c/users/$USERNAME/Saved Games/DCS/Config/options.lua"
   Next we need to override the input audio device load ( getVoiceChatDevices() ) .lua in /Users/username/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles/DCS/drive_c/Program Files/Eagle Dynamics/DCS World/MissionEditor/modules/Options/optionsDb.lua to always return an empty string as the mod_sound.getVoiceChatDevices(dev_type) now returns nil and causes an error to occur
   local function getVoiceChatDevices(dev_type)
         --local devices = mod_sound.getVoiceChatDevices(dev_type)       
           local result = {Name(_('Default')):Value("")}
       if devices then
           for k,v in ipairs(devices) do
       return result
   Please Note: If you repair the game, this file will revert to it's broken state and you'll need to fix it again.
   Enable D3dMetal Graphics, set Synchronization to Msync, restart bottle
Open Steam and launch DCS from Steam
Wine Unknown
Parallels Menu Boots. Main menu is fine. However, actual gameplay is riddled with graphical issues. AWACS View (F10) works just fine. FPS surges up and down, causing extremely unstable performance.