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World of Warcraft

From AppleGamingWiki, the wiki about gaming on M1 Apple silicon Macs
Revision as of 05:52, 10 March 2025 by Switchxa (talk | contribs) (Added version differences)
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World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft cover
Blizzard Entertainment
Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft
Release dates
macOS November 23, 2004
Apple Silicon Games
World of Warcraft on IGDB
World of Warcraft guide on StrategyWiki
World of Warcraft on MobyGames
World of Warcraft on Wikipedia

World of Warcraft initially launched for PC/Mac on November 23, 2004. Blizzard has a long history of releasing their games concurrently on both Windows and macOS. This tradition continues through World of Warcraft. Each subsequent expansion was released same day for macOS with both versions playing the same servers.

World of Warcraft was one of the first games to support native Apple Silicon. Support was added in patch 9.0.2[1], releasing on November 17, 2020, the same day as the release of the M1 MacBook Air. Blizzard continues to support the Intel and ARM macOS versions of World of Warcraft.

General information

US Official forums
EU Official forums
WoW Wiki

macOS Compatibility

Method Rating Notes
Native Perfect
Compatibility layer
CrossOver Unknown
Wine Unknown
Parallels Perfect Playable.[2]

Version Differences


Public Test Realm (PTR) are unique servers that Blizzard releases to test upcoming patches and game versions. These are usually released before every new patch and allows anyone (including those with an expired WoW subscriptions) to play and test the new changes and features. More structured content like raids are usually only tested during certain days and times. Players can usually make a new character or copy an existing one from standard realms to help test higher level content with helpful NPC's added where players can pick up free gear or get teleported to new instances. Once the patch is released these realms are shut down and all characters on them are deleted. They cannot be transferred to a standard server or future PTR.

PTR's are found under Game Version and it will say which version the PTR is for next to it. New cinematics and story scenes are usually not available during PTR and are only unlocked once the patch is officially released.


Beta's come out before an expansion release and allows chosen players to test the new expansion before it officially releases. Beta's usually do no include any cinematics or main story spoiler scenes. The goal of the beta is the same as PTR but for an entire expansion launch and not just a patch update. Beta's are invite only. Players can usually submit their account for consideration for beta access and multiple waves of invites will usually go out over the course of development. In some cases prepurchasing the expansion can secure a spot in the beta as well. Should you be accepted for beta access Blizzard will usually send an email at which point you can select the beta client under Game Version in the client under World of Warcraft.

Characters can be created or copied from standard servers to allow players to better access the new content and changes. Any characters created or copied to the beta server are deleted right before the expansion release once the beta server is closed. Characters cannot be copied to standard servers.


Name Notes
The Burning Crusade Formerly standalone. Now part of the World of Warcraft subscription.
Wrath of the Lich King Formerly standalone. Now part of the World of Warcraft subscription.
Cataclysm Formerly standalone. Now part of the World of Warcraft subscription.
Mists of Pandaria Formerly standalone. Now part of the World of Warcraft subscription.
Warlords of Draenor Formerly standalone. Now part of the World of Warcraft subscription.
Legion Formerly standalone. Now part of the World of Warcraft subscription.
Battle for Azeroth Formerly standalone. Now part of the World of Warcraft subscription.
Shadowlands Formerly standalone. Now part of the World of Warcraft subscription.
Dragonflight Formerly standalone. Now part of the World of Warcraft subscription.
The War Within Available to purchase on store and retail. Is required to progress levels 70-80 and access The War Within content.


Source DRM Notes Keys OS
Always online (requires a constant internet connection to play)
Available in Base, Heroic, and Epic editions.
Always online (requires a constant internet connection to play)
Only a 20th Anniversary The War Within Collectors Edition was released
See PCGamingWiki for Windows and/or Linux availability.

Gameplay videos


  1. Mac Support Update – November 16 - last accessed on 2025-03-10
  2. Verified by User:Andytizer on
    Device: MacBook Air M1 2020 8 GB RAM
    Method: Windows ARM on Parallels 16