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World of Warcraft: Classic

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Revision as of 05:00, 10 March 2025 by Switchxa (talk | contribs) (Clearing category errors, deleted is superfluous.)
World of Warcraft: Classic
World of Warcraft: Classic cover
Blizzard Entertainment
Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft
Release dates
macOS August 26, 2019
Apple Silicon Games
World of Warcraft: Classic on IGDB
World of Warcraft: Classic on Wikipedia

World of Warcraft Classic was initially launched on August 26, 2019. Leading up to the release Blizzard sought out input from players on what should and shouldn't be in this re-release of the original (vanilla) World of Warcraft. The winning argument was "no changes". This resulted in some adjustments to keep things are original as possible. Over time changes were introduced to better address player concerns and wishes though. World of Warcraft Classic has gone on to spin off into multiple different game modes and servers to provide players with a variety of ways to play original World of Warcraft. World of Warcraft Classic uses the current World of Warcraft game engine and client so older versions of the game will not work.

World of Warcraft Classic currently refers to multiple sets of servers. Each type of server progresses in "Phases". These are limits on level and content availability. They somewhat align to vanilla WoW patch releases and are spaced out over time. All types have PvE, PvP, RP and RP-PvP servers. Classic Anniversary servers also included a hardcore server. As population changes servers are merged to keep enough players to do all available content.

  • Classic Era: These were created when the first Classic servers progressed to The Burning Crusade. Players were allowed to transfer their characters to these realms to keep them on vanilla WoW forever. Players are also able to play and make new characters but no new updates are being applied to these servers.
  • Classic Progression: These servers started with the original World of Warcraft version and have been progressing over time like the game has before. It is currently on Cataclysm Classic and soon to progress to Mists of Pandaria Classic. The servers are updated to the new version and players cannot stay back at the previous expansion. These have a different game version that is selected on the client.
  • Classic Hardcore: Hardcore is just as it sounds. When your character dies it cannot be revived and you need to create or play a different character.
  • Classic Plus: These are called Season of Discovery. It released as vanilla World of Warcraft and has added new spells and systems as well as brand new dungeons to vanilla WoW.
  • Classic Anniversary: These were released with the 20th Anniversary of World of Warcraft and are starting out at vanilla WoW. It has very few quality of life changes and is closest to the original Classic release. It is currently still progressing through phases.

General information

US Official forums
EU Official forums
WoW Wiki
WoWhead Classic

macOS Compatibility

Method Rating Notes
Native Perfect Runs without issues.


Name Notes
The Burning Crusade Classic No longer available.
Wrath of the Lich King Classic No longer available.
Cataclysm Classic Current Classic progression servers.
Mists of Pandaria Classic Upcoming Classic progression server release.


Source DRM Notes Keys OS
Always online (requires a constant internet connection to play)
No game purchase necessary, all Classic servers are fully available with a World of Warcraft subscription
