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From AppleGamingWiki, the wiki about gaming on M1 Apple silicon Macs
Revision as of 01:16, 21 July 2022 by Linux86 (talk | contribs)

macOS Compatibility

Compatibility layer Rating Notes
CrossOver Perfect [1]
Wine Perfect [2]
Parallels Perfect [3]


  1. Verified by User:Jamesgecko on 2021-11-28
    I play on an M1 MacBook Air. By default, the game sits at a black screen for about ten minutes before it becomes playable at 30 FPS. With Luigi's performance patches, the time spent at a black screen is lowered to 20-30 seconds, and the game runs at 70+ FPS.
  2. Verified by User:Linux86 on 2022-07-20
    Luigi's guide on the forums covers how to use the open source version of wine-crossover to run the game. The performance patches mentioned in another comment have the same effect.
  3. Verified by User:Linux86 on 2022-07-20
    Loading times are fine; the OpenGL performance patch mentioned in another comment has the same effect on FPS.