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Guilty Gear Strive

From AppleGamingWiki, the wiki about gaming on M1 Apple silicon Macs
Revision as of 09:56, 28 November 2024 by Turtiemaster (talk | contribs) (After testing guilty gear strive on my Mac I noticed very good performance and specifically good performance with async and d3dmetal)

macOS Compatibility

Compatibility layer Rating Notes
CrossOver Perfect Use D3DMetal and Async for best results
Wine Perfect [1] [2]
Parallels Unplayable [3]
  1. Verified by User:Sax6575 on 6/28/23
    Device: Mac Studio M2 Max 32 GB RAM
    Method: Wine
    Resolution: 1440p
    Settings: High
    Framerate: 60fps
    Controller: No
  2. Verified by User:Harryyp23 on 5/11/24
    Device: MacBook Pro 13" Late 2020 M1 8 GB RAM
    Method: Wine
    Resolution: 720p
    Settings: Low
    Framerate: 40-60fps
    Controller: Stadia Controller
    Comment: For best results, use the Potato Low Spec Mod. Some stages perform better than others.
  3. Verified by User:Harryyp23 on 5/11/24
    Device: MacBook Pro 13" Late 2020 M1 8 GB RAM
    Method: Parallels
    Comment: Critical errors when attempting to load.